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ЖелатинПитание. Органические вещества
Железа БруннераСекреты пищеварительного тракта
Железа ЛиберкюнаСекреты пищеварительного тракта
ЖелтухаДеградация порфиринов
Желудочный сокСекреты пищеварительного тракта
Желчные кислотыЖирные кислоты и нейтральные жиры, Стероиды: структура, Стероиды: классификация, Биосинтез холестерина, Метаболизм липидов, Желчные кислоты
— — метаболизмЖелчные кислоты
— — первичные и вторичныеСтероиды: классификация, Желчные кислоты
Желчные пигментыДеградация порфиринов, Секреты пищеварительного тракта, Желчные кислоты, Биохимическая трансформация, Моча
Желчный пузырьСекреты пищеварительного тракта, Желчные кислоты
ЖелчьСтероиды: классификация, Биосинтез холестерина, Деградация порфиринов, Пищеварение: общие сведения, Секреты пищеварительного тракта, Всасывание, Печень: общие сведения, Желчные кислоты
— участие в метаболизме стероидовМетаболизм стероидных гормонов
Жирные кислоты с нечётным числом атомов углеродаПобочные пути деградации жирных кислот

Asphaltenes: Chemical Transformation during Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils (Chemical Industries) / During the upgrading of heavy petroleum, asphaltene is the most problematic impurity since it is the main cause of catalyst deactivation and sediments formation. Exploring many aspects related to asphaltenes composition and conversion, Asphaltenes: Chemical Transformation during Hydroprocessing of HAsphaltenes: Chemical Transformation during Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils (Chemical Industries)
During the upgrading of heavy petroleum, asphaltene is the most problematic impurity since it is the main cause of catalyst deactivation and sediments ...
Practical Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual / Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual will provide the student with a practical overview and understanding of the various microscopes and microscopic techniques employed within the field of forensic science. Each laboratory experiment has been carefully designed to cover the variety of evidence dPractical Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual
Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual will provide the student with a practical overview and understanding of the various microscopes and ...
Books a la Carte Plus for Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy (3rd Edition) / The Third Edition of Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy is the most cutting-edge microbiology book available, offering unparalleled currency, accuracy, and assessment. The state-of-the science approach begins with a compelling focus on emerging diseases and diseases students will encounter in clBooks a la Carte Plus for Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy (3rd Edition)
The Third Edition of Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy is the most cutting-edge microbiology book available, offering unparalleled currency, ...
The Reef Aquarium: Science, Art, and Technology, Vol. 3 / The Reef Aquarium Volume Three: Science, Art, and Technology Reefkeeping science involves the interplay of biology, chemistry, and physics. However, a reef aquarium is not simply a product of scientific knowledge. The application of engineering and its product technology, makes it possible to duplicThe Reef Aquarium: Science, Art, and Technology, Vol. 3
The Reef Aquarium Volume Three: Science, Art, and Technology Reefkeeping science involves the interplay of biology, chemistry, and physics. However, a ...