Молекулярная генетика. Генная инженерия

Обмен фосфорных соединений / Вашему вниманию предлагается издание «Обмен фосфорных соединений».Обмен фосфорных соединений
Вашему вниманию предлагается издание «Обмен фосфорных соединений».
Физическая химия. Денатурации белков / Физическая химия. Денатурации белковФизическая химия. Денатурации белков
Физическая химия. Денатурации белков
Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing / An introductory text on forensic DNA analysis, written by the foremost expert in the field.Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing
An introductory text on forensic DNA analysis, written by the foremost expert in the field.
Isotope Effects: in the Chemical, Geological, and Bio Sciences / As the title suggests, Isotope Effects in the Chemical, Geological and Bio Sciences deals with differences in the properties of isotopically substituted molecules, such as differences in the chemical and physical properties of water and the heavy waters. Since the various fields in which isotope effIsotope Effects: in the Chemical, Geological, and Bio Sciences
As the title suggests, Isotope Effects in the Chemical, Geological and Bio Sciences deals with differences in the properties of isotopically ...