Isotope Effects: in the Chemical, Geological, and Bio Sciences

Max Wolfsberg, W. Alexander Van Hook, Piotr Paneth, Luis Paulo N. Rebelo / Isotope Effects: in the Chemical, Geological, and Bio Sciences / As the title suggests, Isotope Effects in the Chemical, Geological and Bio Sciences deals with differences in the ...Название:Isotope Effects: in the Chemical, Geological, and Bio Sciences
Автор:Max Wolfsberg, W. Alexander Van Hook, Piotr Paneth, Luis Paulo N. Rebelo
Количество страниц:466
Цена:20 814 руб.
Описание:As the title suggests, Isotope Effects in the Chemical, Geological and Bio Sciences deals with differences in the properties of isotopically substituted molecules, such as differences in the chemical and physical properties of water and the heavy waters. Since the various fields in which isotope effects are applied do not only share fundamental principles but also experimental techniques, this book includes a discussion of experimental apparatus and experimental techniques. Isotope Effects in the Chemical, Geological and Bio Sciences is an educational monograph addressed to graduate students and others undertaking isotope effect research. The fundamental principles needed to understand isotope effects are presented in appropriate detail. While it is true that these principles are more familiar to students of physical chemistry and some background in physical chemistry is recommended, the text provides enough detail to make the book an asset to students in organic and biochemistry,...

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