Gene Control

David Latchman / Gene Control / Gene Control offers an articulate, current description of how gene expression is controlled in eukaryotes, reviewing and ...Название:Gene Control
Автор:David Latchman
Количество страниц:420
Цена:14 969 руб.
Описание:Gene Control offers an articulate, current description of how gene expression is controlled in eukaryotes, reviewing and summarizing the extensive primary literature into an easily accessible format. Gene Control will be of value to students in biological sciences, as well as to scientists and clinicians interested in how genes are regulated in health and disease. Gene Control is a comprehensively restructured and expanded edition of Latchmana’s Gene Regulation: A Eukaryotic Perspective, Fifth Edition. The first part of the book deals with the fundamental processes of gene control at the levels of chromatin structure, transcription, and post-transcriptional processes. Three pairs of chapters deal with each of these aspects, first describing the basic process itself, followed by the manner in which it is involved in controlling gene expression. The second part of the book deals with the role of gene control in specific biological processes. Specific chapters deal with the...

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