Physical Properties of Macromolecules

Laurence A. Belfiore / Physical Properties of Macromolecules / Explains and analyzes polymer physical chemistry research methods and experimental data Taking a fresh approach to ...Название:Physical Properties of Macromolecules
Автор:Laurence A. Belfiore
Количество страниц:800
Цена:14 369 руб.
Описание:Explains and analyzes polymer physical chemistry research methods and experimental data Taking a fresh approach to polymer physical chemistry, Physical Properties of Macromolecules integrates the two foundations of physical polymer science, theory and practice. It provides the tools to understand polymer science concepts and research methods, while also instructing how to analyze experimental data. Drawing on the author’s own extensive research in physical properties of polymers as well as more traditional topics, this text offers detailed analysis of numerous problems in polymer science, including laboratory data and research results. Topics include: Solid-state dynamics of polymeric materials Glass transitions in amorphous polymers Semicrystalline polymers and melting transitions Viscoelastic behavior Relaxation processes Macromolecule-metal complexes Mechanical properties of linear and crosslinked polymers Filled...

Physical Properties of Macromolecules / Explains and analyzes polymer physical chemistry research methods and experimental data Taking a fresh approach to polymer physical chemistry, Physical Properties of Macromolecules integrates the two foundations of physical polymer science, theory and practice. It provides the tools to understand poPhysical Properties of Macromolecules
Explains and analyzes polymer physical chemistry research methods and experimental data Taking a fresh approach to polymer physical chemistry, ...
Histone H1 glycation and rutin metabolites as glycation inhibitors: Nuclear protein glycation in vivo and novel natural product AGE inhibitors / Protein glycation, induced by hyperglycemia, is implicated in the appearance of diabetic complications and the aging process. Glycation involves the non-enzymatic reaction between sugars and protein amino groups that lead to formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). When aminoguanidine, aHistone H1 glycation and rutin metabolites as glycation inhibitors: Nuclear protein glycation in vivo and novel natural product AGE inhibitors
Protein glycation, induced by hyperglycemia, is implicated in the appearance of diabetic complications and the aging process. Glycation involves the ...
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NMR Studies of Structural Motifs: Protein Folding and Ligand Binding / NMR of Structural Motifs: The agrin G3 domain is critical in development and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction. G3 binds -dystroglycan and initiates acetylcholine receptor clustering on myotube membranes. Using NMR spectroscopy, we show both active B8 and inactive B0 isoforms binding sialic NMR Studies of Structural Motifs: Protein Folding and Ligand Binding
NMR of Structural Motifs: The agrin G3 domain is critical in development and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction. G3 binds -dystroglycan and ...