Yeast: Molecular and Cell Biology

Horst Feldmann / Yeast: Molecular and Cell Biology / Yeast is one of the oldest domesticated organisms and has both industrial and domestic applications. In addition, it is ...Название:Yeast: Molecular and Cell Biology
Автор:Horst Feldmann
Количество страниц:348
Цена:14 368 руб.
Описание:Yeast is one of the oldest domesticated organisms and has both industrial and domestic applications. In addition, it is very widely used as a eukaryotic model organism in biological research and has offered valuable knowledge of genetics and basic cellular processes. In fact, studies in yeast have offered insight in mechanisms underlying ageing and diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons and cancer. Yeast is also widely used in the lab as a tool for many technologies such as two-hybrid analysis, high throughput protein purification and localization and gene expression profiling. The broad range of uses and applications of this organism undoubtedly shows that it is invalubale in research, technology and industry. This book is an up-to date resource providing a comprehensive account of yeast biology and its use as a tool and model organism for understanding cellular and molecular processes of eukaryotes. Topics covered range from the fundamentals of yeast biology such as cell...

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