Потенциал покоя и потенциал действия

Ткани и органы. Нервная ткань
А. Потенциал покоя

Мембраны, в том числе плазматические, в принципе непроницаемы для заряженных частиц. Правда, в мембране имеется Na+/K+-АТФ-аза (Na+/K+-АТФ-аза), осуществляющая активный перенос ионов Na+ из клетки в обмен на ионы K+. Этот ...

А. Потенциал покоя
Б. Потенциал действия

Возбуждение нервной клетки под действием химического сигнала (реже электрического импульса) приводит к возникновению потенциала действия. Это означает, что потенциал покоя −60 мВ скачком изменяется на +30 мВ ...

Б. Потенциал действия

Microarray Image Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis) / To harness the high-throughput potential of DNA microarray technology, it is crucial that the analysis stages of the process are decoupled from the requirements of operator assistance. Microarray Image Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach presents an automatic system for microarray image processing to Microarray Image Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis)
To harness the high-throughput potential of DNA microarray technology, it is crucial that the analysis stages of the process are decoupled from the ...
Metals in Medicine / Working from basic chemical principles, Metals in Medicine presents a complete and methodical approach to the topic. Introductory chapters discuss important bonding concepts applicable to metallo-drugs and their biological targets, interactions that exist between the agents and substances in the bioMetals in Medicine
Working from basic chemical principles, Metals in Medicine presents a complete and methodical approach to the topic. Introductory chapters discuss ...
Stress — From Molecules to Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses / This book comprehensively covers the molecular basis of stress responses of the nervous system, providing a unique and fundamental insight into the molecular, physiological and behavioral basis of the stress response of a whole organism. Edited by leading experts in the field and summarizing the latStress — From Molecules to Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses
This book comprehensively covers the molecular basis of stress responses of the nervous system, providing a unique and fundamental insight into the ...
Handbook of Nanoindentation: With Biological Applications / Broadly divided into two parts, this guide’s first part presents the a’basic sciencea’ of nanoindentation, including the background of contact mechanics underlying indentation technique, and the instrumentation used to gather mechanical data. Both the mechanics background and the instrumentation oveHandbook of Nanoindentation: With Biological Applications
Broadly divided into two parts, this guide’s first part presents the a’basic sciencea’ of nanoindentation, including the background of contact ...