Introductory Microbiology

Gajendra Jagtap, Utpal Dey / Introductory Microbiology / As a component of biology, Plant Pathology enjoyed a prestigious position and its applied aspects; plant disease ...Название:Introductory Microbiology
Автор:Gajendra Jagtap, Utpal Dey
Количество страниц:96
Цена:6 590 руб.
Описание:As a component of biology, Plant Pathology enjoyed a prestigious position and its applied aspects; plant disease management was an integral part of agroecosystem management. In the era of globalization, our country is progressing very fast in agricultural sector by developing innovative techniques and augumenting increased production and productivity. In recent years the disease problems in many crop plants attracted the attentions of the scientists to device newer techniques in an integrated approach. The practical manual on a??Introductory Microbiologya?? is prepared by integrating all the available approaches viz. staining, culturing on media, shape and size of bacteria etc. This book will be useful not only to the students and researchers in the field of plant pathology, but also to the extension functionaries who concerned with disease management.

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