Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review)

M. Raafat El-Gewely / Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review) / Biotechnology is a diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving field. Students and experienced researchers alike face the ...Название:Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review)
Автор:M. Raafat El-Gewely
Количество страниц:492
Цена:18 156 руб.
Описание:Biotechnology is a diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving field. Students and experienced researchers alike face the challenges of staying on top of developments in their field of specialty and maintaining a broader overview of the field as a whole. This latest volume of Biotechnology Annual Review comprises expert reviews on a diverse range of topics, ranging from gene expression microarray analysis to the use of ethnomedicines and ethnomedicinal phytophores to treat herpes viruses. Such a diverse range of review topics will keep biotechnologists of all levels up-to-date on the latest in the vast field of biotechnology and deepen their understanding of the many facets of the field as a whole..More than 150 figures elucidate and reinforce key points.Inclusion of reviews of such hot-topics as arginine methylation in health and disease .Wide variety of coverage keeps biotechnologists up-to-date on many facets of the field

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Long considered the definitive work in its field, this new edition presents all the principles and practices readers need for a solid grounding in all ...