Histone H1 glycation and rutin metabolites as glycation inhibitors: Nuclear protein glycation in vivo and novel natural product AGE inhibitors

Daniel Cervantes-Laurean, Srinath Pashikanti / Histone H1 glycation and rutin metabolites as glycation inhibitors: Nuclear protein glycation in vivo and novel natural product AGE inhibitors / Protein glycation, induced by hyperglycemia, is implicated in the appearance of diabetic complications and the aging ...Название:Histone H1 glycation and rutin metabolites as glycation inhibitors: Nuclear protein glycation in vivo and novel natural product AGE inhibitors
Автор:Daniel Cervantes-Laurean, Srinath Pashikanti
Количество страниц:52
Цена:7 308 руб.
Описание:Protein glycation, induced by hyperglycemia, is implicated in the appearance of diabetic complications and the aging process. Glycation involves the non-enzymatic reaction between sugars and protein amino groups that lead to formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). When aminoguanidine, a proven AGE inhibitor, was tested as an anti-diabetic drug in clinical trials showed critical side effects, which suggested a need for improved AGE inhibitors. A protein glycation model included histone H1 and glyoxal or methylglyoxal since it allowed to distinguish AGE inhibitors from antioxidants. This book describes the findings of Dr Cervantes and graduate student, Srinath Pashikanti, of novel natural product AGE inhibitors and the in vivo modification of nuclear proteins, histone H1, with AGE adducts. Rutin metabolic derivatives were tested as AGEs inhibitors since rutin, a flavonoid consumed in fruits and vegetables, is metabolized in the gut. These results suggest effective...

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