Липофильные гормоны

Известно множество гормонов и гормоноподобных веществ, только в организме человека их найдено более 100. Подразделение гормонов на липофильные и гидрофильные имеет определённый биохимический смысл, поскольку оно отражает различные принципы действия этих биорегуляторов (см. Гормоны).

Гормоны. Липофильные гормоны / Липофильные гормоны

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Handbook of Nanoindentation: With Biological Applications / Broadly divided into two parts, this guide’s first part presents the a’basic sciencea’ of nanoindentation, including the background of contact mechanics underlying indentation technique, and the instrumentation used to gather mechanical data. Both the mechanics background and the instrumentation oveHandbook of Nanoindentation: With Biological Applications
Broadly divided into two parts, this guide’s first part presents the a’basic sciencea’ of nanoindentation, including the background of contact ...
Molecular Biology of the Cell: The Problems Book / The Problems Book helps students appreciate the ways in which experiments and simple calculations can lead to an understanding of how cells work by introducing the experimental foundation of cell and molecular biology. Each chapter will review key terms, test for understanding basic concepts, and poMolecular Biology of the Cell: The Problems Book
The Problems Book helps students appreciate the ways in which experiments and simple calculations can lead to an understanding of how cells work by ...
Биокатализ и биокатализаторы. Исторический очерк / Книга посвящена истории возникновения и развития двух основных проблем энзимологии — природы биокаталитических процессов и химической природы биокатализаторов. В ней впервые проанализированы условия формирования энзимологии. Дан очерк основных проблем энзимологии. В монографии собран большой фактичеБиокатализ и биокатализаторы. Исторический очерк
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Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review) / Biotechnology is a diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving field. Students and experienced researchers alike face the challenges of staying on top of developments in their field of specialty and maintaining a broader overview of the field as a whole. This latest volume of Biotechnology Annual Review Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review)
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