Гормоны. Гидрофильные гормоны

Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols / Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols investigates the various processes that are affected by the age of an organism. Several new tools for the analysis of biological aging have been introduced recently, and this volume provides methods and protocols for these new techniques in addition to its covBiological Aging: Methods and Protocols
Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols investigates the various processes that are affected by the age of an organism. Several new tools for the ...
Жидкокристаллические дисперсии и наноконструкции ДНК / Обобщены результаты, демонстрирующие многообразие конденсированных форм нуклеиновых кислот (НК), включая их жидкокристаллические структуры. Показано прикладное значение жидкокристаллических дисперсий НК для различных направлений науки и техники, в частности нанотехнологии и биосенсорики. Для широкогЖидкокристаллические дисперсии и наноконструкции ДНК
Обобщены результаты, демонстрирующие многообразие конденсированных форм ...
Isotope Effects: in the Chemical, Geological, and Bio Sciences / As the title suggests, Isotope Effects in the Chemical, Geological and Bio Sciences deals with differences in the properties of isotopically substituted molecules, such as differences in the chemical and physical properties of water and the heavy waters. Since the various fields in which isotope effIsotope Effects: in the Chemical, Geological, and Bio Sciences
As the title suggests, Isotope Effects in the Chemical, Geological and Bio Sciences deals with differences in the properties of isotopically ...
How to Build a Dinosaur: The New Science of Reverse Evolution / A world-renowned paleontologist reveals groundbreaking science that trumps science fiction: how to grow a living dinosaur Over a decade after Jurassic Park, Jack Horner and his colleagues in molecular biology labs are in the process of building the technology to create a real dinosaur. Based on new How to Build a Dinosaur: The New Science of Reverse Evolution
A world-renowned paleontologist reveals groundbreaking science that trumps science fiction: how to grow a living dinosaur Over a decade after Jurassic ...