Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols

Trygve O. Tollefsbol / Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols / Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols investigates the various processes that are affected by the age of an organism. ...Название:Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols
Автор:Trygve O. Tollefsbol
Издатель:Humana Press
Количество страниц:414
Цена:12 930 руб.
Описание:Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols investigates the various processes that are affected by the age of an organism. Several new tools for the analysis of biological aging have been introduced recently, and this volume provides methods and protocols for these new techniques in addition to its coverage of established procedures. The editors have carefully selected only those topics that are considered mainstays of the field or are showing promise in revolutionizing this relatively new science. The three main areas of focus in this cutting-edge compendium of biological aging research are: (1) methods that are basic to understanding the fundamental mechanisms of cellular aging; (2) techniques used to intervene in the aging process; and (3) approaches to analyzing the many molecular processes of biological aging. Researchers seeking new technology and techniques will find this volume of tremendous benefit as they move towards new directions in the exciting and expanding field of...

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